Personal Toxin Analysis


What is tissue mineral analysis (hair analysis)?

Hair mineral analysis is an analytical test that measures nutrient and toxic mineral content of hair. As the constituents of the hair are determined by the entry of substances from external sources and from substances that enter it from the blood stream, hair makes an ideal medium for analysis. Levels of particular toxic and nutrient minerals can be used to diagnose behavioural disorders.

Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the United States Environmental Protection agency in determining toxic metal exposure with the following summary:

“The milk, urine, saliva and sweat measure the component that is absorbed but excreted. The blood measures the component absorbed and temporarily in circulation before excretion and/or storage. The hair, nails and teeth are tissues in which trace minerals are sequestered and/or stored.”

Since the structure of hair remains unchanged, the minerals are fixed in the hair and levels in hair do not significantly change once that portion of hair has grown. The analysis accurately provides concentrations of minerals that have accumulated in the hair tissue over the hair growth period, approximately one to three months.


Mineral content of the hair reflects the mineral content of the body’s tissues. A mineral deficiency or excess in the hair, is proportional to a mineral deficiency or excess within the body. Therefore, human head hair is a recording filament that can reflect metabolic changes.

Tissue mineral analysis is unique in that it inexpensively provides information directly about cellular activity, which is the main site of nutritional metabolism. As important as vitamins are, they can do nothing for the body without proper mineral intake. Vitamins cannot function and are unable to be assimilated without the aid of minerals.

Hair Analysis - What the laboratory tests for:
Using state-of-the art equipment, the laboratory analyses the hair sample for a broad range of 40 essential, non-essential as well as toxic elements. The result provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the nutrient and toxic mineral content of the hair sample provided.

16 Essential Elements:
(B) Boron (Cr) Chromium (Mn) Manganese (Se) Selenium
(Ca) Calcium (I) Iodine (Mo) Molybdenum (Na) Sodium
(Co) Cobalt (Fe) Iron (P) Phosphorous (S) Sulphur
(Cu) Copper (Mg) Magnesium (K) Potassium (Zn) Zinc

12 Non-essential Elements:
(Al) Aluminium (Li) Lithium (Rb) Ribidium (Sn) Tin
(Bi) Bismuth (Ni) Nickel (Si) Silica (Ti) Titanium
(Au) Gold (Pt) Platiunum (Sr) Strontium (V) Vanadium

12 Toxic Elements:
(Sb) Antimony (Be) Beryllium (Pb) Lead (Tl) Thallium
(As) Arsenic (Cd) Cadmium (Hg) Mercury (W) Tungsten
(Ba) Barium (Ge) Germanium (Ag) Silver (U) Uranium

The Australian based analytical laboratory, has highly qualified staff with 15 years experience in natural products research and spectroscopy, including pharmaceutical lead discovery, analytical chemistry pharmacology and biochemical analysis.

Facilities and Equipment include:
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer
UV-Visible NIR spectrophotometer
Gas & Liquid Chromatography systems
Electrochemical equipment (including a range of selective Ion Electrodes)
Wet Chemical analysis equipment

Mineral Hair Toxin Analysis (Normal Laboratory Price $120 ex. GST)

MTEX Health Price $114.95 exluding GST
  $126.45 including. GST,
including postage to Australia only

2 or more samples $111.95 exluding GST
  $123.15 including. GST,
including postage to Australia only

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